The Thermostat Blog

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Window insulation is pressing

Window insulation is pressing

My best neighbor just got married recently to her middle school sweetheart! They were madly in prefer in middle school plus it seems like their prefer for each other has not changed. They have been together for so long plus finally they decided to tie the knot. One of the main things that they wanted

Keeping my plants safe from the heat

Keeping my plants safe from the heat

I’ve always had a orange thumb, it was my Grandfather that got me legitimately interested in gardening as well as through him I wanted to continue the tradition; It was such a fun thing for me to do, I cherish seeing the progress of the plants that I planned to plant, there’s a challenge for

My new buddy is a show off

My new buddy is a show off

I have lived in the same village for about 15 years now, and in those 15 years I’ve seen many people that have come and gone! So when our outdated neighbors sold their condo and moved out and numerous months later another couple moved in I went to say hello. I try to be welcoming

My new friend is a show off

My new friend is a show off

I have lived in the same neighborhood for about 15 years now, plus in those 15 years I have seen numerous people that have come plus gone. So when our old neighbors sold their house plus moved out plus several months later another couple moved in I went to say hello. I try to be

My current acquaintance is a show off

My current acquaintance is a show off

My mouth practically dropped open as to how several thousands of dollars something like this, even just one of those units would be to the saw I have lived in the same neighborhood for about 15 years now, and in those 15 years I’ve seen several people that have come and gone. So when our

I didn't know they had those

I didn't know they had those

Sporadically I do something I just feel like the dumbest guy alive in that moment. This happened to me recently yupterday when I discovered that smart control units are a thing that exists. I know this is going to sound so dumb but I really did not know that there was a such a smart

I did not know they had those

I did not know they had those

Periodically I do something I just feel like the dumbest woman alive in that moment. This happened to me recently yupterday when I discovered that smart thermostats are a thing that exists. I know this is going to sound so dumb however I honestly did not know that there was a such a smart thermostat!

It was too hot to go swimming

It was too hot to go swimming

I’ve never been somebody that prefers sunny weather, I like sunny days however not overly hot temperatures, however I live in a tropical temperature where the temperatures here readily climb into the 90s, even our winters have only dropped into the 60s, it’s hot all year round here Oftentimes it was legitimately hot outside if

Knowing when you need an air conditioning repair

Knowing when you need an air conditioning repair

When my husband and I relocated further south, we purchased a home that required some upgrades. We were able to afford a property on a lake because of all the necessary repairs. One of our concerns was the age of the packaged heating and cooling unit. We had no way of knowing how old it

Add HVAC System Service to your Fall To-Do List

Add HVAC System Service to your Fall To-Do List

Ah, fall! The beautiful, cool breezes, the crinkle of leaves under your feet, the smell of pumpkin-themed desserts: what’s not to love? Just like every other change in season, the onset of fall requires paying attention to your seasonal to-do list. My to-do list includes things like cleaning out the gutters, gathering up non-perishables in

Heated Floors for Comfort in the Winter

Heated Floors for Comfort in the Winter

Taking a warm shower on a cold winter morning is one of the small joys of my life. But, that joy is almost immediately dashed when I step out of the shower and onto my frigid tile floors. It’s a real jolt; it almost wakes me up more effectively than my morning coffee! My wife

A Smart Thermostat Would Help Me and My Cat

A Smart Thermostat Would Help Me and My Cat

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve left my thermostat on a low temperature after leaving the house for work in the morning. I’m always halfway to work, and think, “Drat! My air conditioning is going to send my electric bill through the roof.” A smart thermostat, which can be used to control your

Eating Hot Soup in a Restaurant with No Air Conditioning

Eating Hot Soup in a Restaurant with No Air Conditioning

A few summers ago, I took a trip to the coast with a friend. She grew up in the area, and wanted to take me to her favorite restaurant, claiming that they had the best clam chowder she’d ever had. When we arrived at the restaurant for dinner one evening, the hostess’s makeup was practically

I wished I had a whole-home air purifier.

I wished I had a whole-home air purifier.

I have a portable air purifier, but I wished I had a whole-home air purifier. Carrying the portable air purifier around the house is a pain in the butt. I have clean air in the room I’m in, but it is working hard, because I have an open floor plan. If I had a whole-home

Air conditioning is a necessity.

Air conditioning is a necessity.

I would have sweat rolling down my back and face, which would leave me feeling dirty and unable to work I have had people argue with me when I tell them air conditioning is a necessity. My sister insists air conditioning is a convenience that has made people soft. No one wants to be out

My husband loves working as an HVAC technician

My husband loves working as an HVAC technician

My husband really loves working as an HVAC technician here in the town where we live. We have been living here since we first got married, so I guess it has been about 22 years now since we first moved into our house. We have had a really great life here in this town. Everyone

We have to get a new A/C unit

We have to get a new A/C unit

We have to get a new A/C unit before the baby comes in a couple of months. I have been having a rough pregnancy, and I think that it’s all because of the fact that the temperatures have been so hot around here. I do not do very well in the heat and the fact

This is the wrong time of the year to move somewhere without A/C

This is the wrong time of the year to move somewhere without A/C

This is definitely the wrong time of the year to move somewhere without any air conditioning. I don’t know what in the world we were all thinking when we decided to move down here to the south without making sure that the house had an air conditioning system in it! I guess we all just

I’m so happy that I got a great deal on my new A/C

I’m so happy that I got a great deal on my new A/C

I am so happy that I got a great deal on my new air conditioning system. I have been needing to get a new air conditioning system for quite a while now, but I kept putting it off because I just did not have enough money saved up for it. I really did not want

I loved talking to the HVAC technician when I was little

I loved talking to the HVAC technician when I was little

I loved talking to the HVAC technician when I was a little kid. I realize that that probably sounds a little bit crazy to most people, but I just always loved talking to people when I was little. I’ve always been very outgoing. My parents have always Said that I was never shy at all

I waited until later to get a professional

I waited until later to get a professional

I honestly didn’t think there was a big problem with the HVAC unit. When I woke up in the morning and it was warm inside of the house, I decided to turn the thermostat down by a few degrees. I didn’t think there was a problem with the air conditioner. I simply thought it was

The emergency service contractor was there in a hurry

The emergency service contractor was there in a hurry

It’s nice to have an HVAC company that can handle many different types of heating problems. A good heating system is necessary when the weather is absolutely crucial during winter. Temperatures in this area can be quite cold and often in the single digits. We have a uniquely wet climate due to the fact that

Winter maintenance is very important for your system

Winter maintenance is very important for your system

This area has very cold Winters that require a great deal of heating. We’re extraordinarily close to the lake which means we get a lot of snow and ice throughout the winter season. Temperatures in this region can be very cold and rain from single digits to below freezing. Maintenance on the furnace can help

I can’t believe that stores are already acting like the weather is cooling down

I can’t believe that stores are already acting like the weather is cooling down

I cannot believe that the stores around here are already acting like the weather is cooling down! It’s only the first week of June and the temperatures are still rising, not cooling off! I think that the retail stores around here are super weird. I don’t understand why they sell things that are completely out

We will save money after the air purifier gets installed

We will save money after the air purifier gets installed

We will save money on things like wax melts, candles, and air freshening sprays once we get the air purification system installed in our house. Our house has been smelling really bad for the past few weeks and I am really sick of it. I don’t like it whenever my house doesn’t smell fresh and

If you want to save money on energy bills, get a fresh air filter

If you want to save money on energy bills, get a fresh air filter

I was reading the other day about all the different kinds of air filters that are out on the market today If you want to save money on energy bills, you should buy a fresh clean air filter for your HVAC system every couple of months or so. Sometimes, you really need to change the

I really love working in the HVAC department

I really love working in the HVAC department

I really love working in the HVAC department at the local technical school here in our town. It’s a great place to work and all of my co-workers are great. Not only that, but all of the students who come in to learn about heating and cooling services are really great too. Whenever I first

I don’t date any of the HVAC technicians who work for my dad

I don’t date any of the HVAC technicians who work for my dad

My dad owns the biggest HVAC company in this part of the state, and sometimes that ends up being a bad thing. I had to make a rule about dating HVAC technicians because of it. I never knew whether someone was interested in me because they wanted to work for my dad or what, so