I chose to have a wood stove as our heating system in our new home

I chose to have a wood stove as our heating system in our new home

Ever since I was just a little girl, I dreamed of designing in addition to building my own home.

I do not know why it appealed to me so much to build my own house, but it did.

My mom used to encourage me to sketch out what I wanted my apartment to look like. Although it has changed in several ways throughout the years, the one thing that I have always wanted in my property was a wood stove. The idea of having a wood stove came from my friend, Sarah. Her family had a wood burning stove as their main source of heat, in addition to I used to love going over to their apartment just to odor the wood burning stove. It filled the apartment with an amazing fragrance. I am so thankful that I married a guy that had the same dreams of building a apartment that I had. My associate and I started building a year before my associate and I were married, in addition to the apartment was just completed a few months ago. My associate and I came across quite a few obstacles along the way, but it was worth it in the end. I do not know if I would ever do it again or if I would even advocate to someone else to build their own house, although I am glad that my associate and I did. I did end up going with a wood stove as our main source of heat in our new home. I was so sure of it my whole life, but when it came down to it, I absolutely hesitated a little bit. I knew breaking wood would be a lot of work, but in the end, my associate and I decided to go for it. My hubby said that he absolutely enjoys breaking wood, so hopefully all will go well.


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