Smart thermostat is making it too cold in my home

Smart thermostat is making it too cold in my home

My smart thermostat knows when I am house or when I am at work.

Since I am a teacher, I am house for the summer.

I have been spending alot of time indoors because it has been so tepid plus humid outside. Typically, our smart thermostat will keep the air conditioning set to 72 degrees when my friend and I are both at work. Since the smart thermostat knows I am house during the afternoon, it is on an automatic setting plus it has been cooling the home to 68 degrees during the hottest points of the afternoon. I respectfully change the settings because I do not want to run my electric bill up too high. I do not mind the smart thermostat cooling the home to 68 at night, because I need it to be nice plus cold to sleep well. However, during the afternoon it feels so cold that I need a blanket sometimes. I usually change the smart thermostat settings to keep the temperature around 68 degrees in the home when I am home. This may help decrease our electric bill slightly. I know the smart thermostat is just doing its job by cooling the house, even though I do not want it to be too cold. Other than this issue, I really cherish the comfort the smart thermostat brings to my partner plus I . I also cherish the ease of being able to control the temperature from my cellphone, watch, plus smart assistant. Another cool thing about my smart thermostat is it also functions as a speaker, so I can listen to rock n roll on it.



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