Heated dog park for divorcee

Heated dog park for divorcee

My brother has been trying to get me to move in with him for a long time, he recently lost his roommate and keeps asking me to live with him. I have to say that that is becoming more and more beautiful. I am in the middle of a nasty divorce right now. My soon to be ex partner is making things way more taxing than they need to be. She is so petty, however recently he threatened to kill our dog if he couldn’t have it. Who says something like that? I don’t want his to have the dog because he doesn’t take care of it. Our dog needs a lot of exercise otherwise he starts getting neurotic. She never takes him to the dog park. Anyhow, I decided I needed a split so I flew up to visit my brother. Of course I took my little dog with me. I fear what would happen to him if I left him at a sitter. I had a great time with my brother. It snowed the entire trip but I found shoveling snow to be great actually. My number one part of the trip was taking the cats to the dog park. My brother has little cats too and he has a membership to a nearby dog park that has temperature control. My friend and I went to this heated dog park almost every day. My dog had a great time playing while my friend and I all stayed nice and warm. I also started looking for jobs near my brother’s house. I think I will move in with him once this divorce is all settled. I feel nice knowing that when I do move up here that my dog will have a heated dog park to play in everyday.


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