dangerous choice

dangerous choice

Let’s face it, adolescents don’t consistently make the best choices.

This is not to say that they are the only ones, but, due to stubborn and independence, they sporadically make worse ones that other age groups. I know that when I was in my own teens I made some that could have been devastating if not for the assistance of my family. My niece was going through these type of times when she made a option that could have ended her life. She had rented her first house in a less than desirable part of neighborhood and my buddy and I upset about her safety on a bi-weekly basis. The neighborhood was known for gang violence however the rent was cheap and she kept saying that she was fine. When winter season arrived and she realized that the heat in the place didn’t labor that well she decided that she could repair the concern herself. She started blocking off the air vents so that the heat would only be directed into the rooms that she used. That didn’t really help that much so she decided to go to the local thrift store and see if they had any portable boilers for sale. Now, if there is anything you entirely shouldn’t buy at a thrift store, it is a portable heater. Many times these are outdated and outdated or they don’t labor that well to begin with. She learned this lesson really fast when she jammed in the one she found and flames started shooting from it. This could have caused a fire and she could have lost everything, including her life. When she admitted to her parents that this was a concern they finally convinced her to transfer have house until she could afford a better place with reliable heat.

